IQTek - Software product & solutions company

1. Counter Management Module

Counter mangement system is required to manage stock (Lot/ Labels/ Loose Stones), loss accounting. System is required to have work flow in built from customer order receipt to final dispatch

The security system is pro-active in terms of preventing thefts, leakage & timely information

Cash/ Old Gold

  1. Counter wise old gold & cash tally
  2. Online Billing with cash, credit, cards, cheques, gift vouchers, saving schemes


  1. Order making/repair booking
  2. Payments old gold/ cash/ bank
  3. Sales Return, On Approval Returns
  4. Order sales with old gold calculation
  5. Repair sales with billing only for difference (+/-)


  1. Entry of estimates/ quotation by sales person & the same can be converted in to sales bill if required
  2. Estimates sales/ order entry & keeping separate track of the same


  1. Faster invoicing by auto adjustment of making charges for adjusting the bill total inc tax after deal is negotiated with customer
  2. Payment by cash/ bank
  3. Item Detention (in case of outstanding) & release of the same
  4. Security - Metal rate change & making rate change can be locked based on the functionality given to user. In no case sales person can prepare bill which is less than approved making charges specified by store
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